Happiness becomes a distant dream for most elderly people Several diseases and limited mobility make it... more
Losing eyesight is one of the most painful experiences that any individual can go through in their lifetime... more
Arthritis is a condition that causes tenderness and swelling in the joints The result is that the patients... more
Ageing affects individuals in various ways As we age our physical strength decreases, muscles and bones lose... more
Looking after the elderly parent(s) is a big responsibility for the children This is so because the children... more
After a certain age, the elderly members in our lives require proper support to do their routine tasks They... more
Taking care of elders is easier said than done It is a fact that many caregivers experience exhaustion,... more
Elderly people tend to refrain from travelling due to poor health issues and other problems However, going... more
Due to different ailments and limited mobility, elderly people can easily slip into loneliness in absence of... more
Elderly patients who were admitted to the hospital due to some injuries or diseases require proper care and... more