7 Warning Signs That an Elderly Person Needs Extra Care

Top 7 Signs Your Elderly Loved One Needs Additional Support

As our beloved family members age, it is important to recognize the signs that they may need domestic support services to ensure their safety, well-being and quality of life. It might be so that they need proper care from trained caregivers. However, it is difficult to understand what they needs. Here are some red flags to consider when determining if an older individual requires extra support.

7 Red Flags to that Indicates Elderly Needs Extra Care

Decline in Personal Hygiene

If you observe a decline in their personal hygiene routine like not brushing their teeth, washing their hands, or changing their clothes, it might mean that they are having trouble keeping up these daily routines. In order to maintain their dignity and general well-being, professional domestic support services can help with personal hygiene.

Unexplained Weight Loss

Unexpected or sudden weight loss may indicate that an elderly person requires more care. It might be brought on by difficulties preparing meals or underlying medical issues. To guarantee adequate nutrition, care agencies in Croydon provide meal preparation services and nutritional counselling.

Difficulty Managing Medications

Proper medication management is crucial for seniors especially those with chronic illnesses. If you observe your loved one struggling to take their medications correctly taking the wrong prescriptions, or being confused about their medication regimen, it indicates a need for additional attention. Domestic support services can help with medication management, reducing the risk of severe health hazards.

Mobility Issues and Increased Falls

Frequent falls and mobility problems indicate a need for additional support. Seniors who fall may sustain life-threatening injuries. Look for indications such as cuts, bruises or aversion to movement. Care agencies in Croydon can help with mobility and put fall prevention strategies in place, making a home safe for residents.

Social Detachment

At any age, social interactions are critical to mental and emotional health. Because of their decreased mobility, the death of a loved one or cognitive decline, older people frequently experience isolation. Prompt intervention is required if your loved one is withdrawing from social events, avoiding communication or exhibiting depressive symptoms. Companionship is provided by domestic support services to lessen feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Household Neglect

Neglected home conditions can indicate difficulties in managing household tasks. Physical limitations, cognitive decline or lack of motivation may contribute to this neglect. Care agencies in Croydon can assist with household responsibilities, ensuring a safe and well-maintained living environment.

Cognitive Decline

Signs of cognitive decline such as memory loss, confusion, difficulty in conversations or impaired decision-making can impact an older individual’s ability to handle daily tasks. Specialized domestic support services can provide the necessary care and assistance for individuals with cognitive disabilities.


Taking action involves acknowledging these warning signs and addressing them promptly to prevent health and safety risks. Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your loved one’s needs, seek guidance from professionals, research care options, involve your loved one in decision-making, create a care plan, and regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the care provided.

By recognizing these indicators and taking proactive measures, you can ensure that your elderly family member receives the necessary support to lead a fulfilling life. Whether through specialized domestic support services from care agencies in Croydon, proper attention can greatly improve their overall well-being. You can get in touch with Priory Care Services for the best elderly care services.